Platform for the Aryan National State

Preamble: To re-establish the sanctity of the individual and to make available to all of our Racial Nation the opportunity of full liberty; to be the makers of their own destiny and exercise their own right of self-determination within the framework of God's eternal Law Order.

Article I
Only Aryans (White Race) are allowed citizenship of the nation, and only citizens can:
1. Vote and own property within the nation's borders.
2. Conduct Business, possess (keep) and bear arms.
3. Hold office in government, industry or society.
4. Comprise military or law enforcement personnel.
5. Be free of all taxation other than voluntary 10% yearly tithe upon net increase in wealth over previous year.
6. Recieve loans without interest charges.
7. Have equal rights and duties.
8. Be free men to perform mental or physical work as they chose.

Non-citizens can visit in the Republic, but only under the custodianship of a citizen.

All hybrids called Jews are to be repatriated from the Republic's territory, all their wealth be redistributed to restore our people, and it shall be a capital offense to advocate or promote Jew Talmudic anti-Christ Communism in any manner or any other crimes againnst nature.

All Talmudism (Judaism), devil and heathen religions and practices end immediatly, and there be an encouagement of the expansion of True Positive Christianity.

There be a thorough reconstruction and local citizen, parental responsibility and control of the educational process in order that the curriculum will be brought into line with the requirements of practical life, and that there be a renaissance of White Aryan Heritage, Arts, Sciences and Humanities.

A creditable news media be established for the betterment of the people by:
1. Requiring all editors, writers, actors, broadcasters, and all having any part in the media to be citizens.
2. Not allowing the circulation of non-White media except by permission of the government, and then only with appropriate comments from an Aryan cultural viewpoint.
3. Forbidding the publication, broadcasting, televising or circulation of any material which is not conductive to the National welfare.

The government, as the servant of the nation's citizens, shall:
1. Perform its first duty, which is to protect and prosper the purity of the Race of its citizens and defend the territory of the nation's citizens.
2. Promote and preserve the industry and livlihood of the citizens.
3. Raise the health of the nation by promoting a program of nutritional food production and processing, eliminating the current poisonous practice damaging to life and enviroment.
4. Provide honest aid and support for the farmer and small private businesses, and insofar as possible shall restore all farmland and citizens' homes unlawfully seized from the rightful owners by deceit and fraud of "Usery Bankers".
5. Make the necessary meaningful provisions for the aged, impoverished by fraud.
6. Shall be cleared of the parasites which fatten in the wallow of the present political parties; for a Race or nation divided against itself can neither prosper nor survive.
7. Abolish all White against White genocidal wars and make the killing of any White by a non-White a capitol offense.
8. Confiscate all unearned wealth, stolen by usery or fraud and that which is made from war. The rights of lawful inheritance shall remain inviolable.
9. Nationalize all monopolies and muti-national trusts.
10. Immediatly bring about land reform and completely prohibit land speculation or ownership of the nation's land and industries by aliens.
11. Abolish the present fraudulent monney system with its privately Jew-owned Federal Reserve, and establish an interest-free monnetary system basedupon a just set of weights and measures.
12. Stop the current practice of feeding and arming the enemies of our Race and culture, and force all nations that want our food or technology to buy it with their own wealth and accept our authority.
13. Immediately annul all foreign alliances and treaties with all non-White nations.

A ruthless war must be waged against any whose activities are injurious to the common interest, and that there be an immediate cessation of dishonoring the nation.

Abolish the current materialistic Jew-"Law Merchant" judicial system and all the "Laws of men" and establish return to our own God-ordained, racially inherent Anglo-Saxon, Germanic Common Law Order.

In order to implement the foregoing, a renewal of Racial self-respect in the knowledge of our God's Eternal Natural Law Order and the will to return to it with heart, soul and mind is imperitive.