

Vinland Folk Patriot said...


Anonymous said...

Wow hello all,I just read your confession of faith, it is the doctrine that the Free Church teaches where my mother goes.

The Exiles Return
Ezra 2/1 Now these were the people of the province who came up out of the captivity of those exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried captive to Babylonia. They returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his own town.They came with Zerubbabel.....This Israelites have rejected Christ,but was missing a big part in the Babylonian captivity.These lost Israelites in the Babylonian captivity, remained to hear the word of Christ and follow him.These Israelites wandered with the Germans,(from Assyria to Europe)for this reason that Christianity could take root in Europe.Towards the end of the second Millennium BC,the Präitaliker moved south and settled in Italy today,where parts of them later founded the city of Rome and the Roman Empire.The once präitalischen areas were of Germanic tribes until 1 Century BC inhabited.The spread of the Germans in the first Millennium BC in Central Europe, however, was mainly at the expense of Celtic territories until then.

I would like to become member in Midgard portal-only features one needs an invitation code,On the side for this video portal is made Advertisement.If someone can help me, please write to

Sieg (Jesus Christ and) Heil (all National Socialists)

Greetings from Germany Michael

IDL said...

i must laugh at you people- you are followers of the Germans, specifically the Nazis. What is so funny to me is the Germans are losers- total and complete losers. Their blitzkriegs were effective- but that only could last 2 years. They were destroyed- and forever under the thumb of their enemies. These are your heros??? LOL So, so stupid

You want to destroy the Jews- good luck- you would never stand a chance- Israel has proven this. Congrats on killing 6 million- you must be proud. But what are you going to do about the Christian Zionists? I hate to tell you but they are more hardcore than the Jews. And lets not talk about the IDF- you know you wouldnt stand a chance against them

So, what does this make you? A bunch of stupid racists that will always fail in life. You will give birth to more retards, and so on. Master Race?? You are more like sub human

Anonymous said...


You no nothing about Aryan Nations. In a nutshell, Aryan Nations and similar groups simply want to be in harmony with fellow God fearing whites. Also, Aryan Nations has nothing to do with Nazi Germany, the symbols Aryan Nations use is confusing you. But, it's clear you will never understand. Being you think 6 million jews were killed during WW2 proves how dumb you are. So, just embrace your negro and hispanic comrades and keep your dumb comments to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Friends of Aryan Nations can be found at

Anonymous said...

@IDL Romans Chapter 12 Paragraph 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

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